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Whatever ideas you have in advance about the subject you want to photograph are just “ ideas “ or previews of the shooting you have in your mind. They are not the work itself, but rather the things that lead you to the work.

Usually once you start working, many different things happen, you see something else, your attention can be captured from some particular light, from some noise or even from extreme and unexpected silence. So you might find something quite different from what you set out to find. The ability to improvise, adapt and respond in the face of the unexpected is what will make the shooting interesting. It will make it resonant and meaningful, these specific feelings will be probably appreciated by the viewer of my photographs.

During these three days, I really couldn’t imagine how silently the elephants were moving, eating and living in the different areas we were visiting for our shooting. I was sort of ipnotized by them ! Day by day I realised how magnificent they are, how delicate they are and how strong is their maternal instinct.

We were really lucky that during our three days stay at Jeki we saw different elephant groups, I could spent hours and hours observing them continue finding new shots and never feel bored. It’s difficult for me to choose my best shot or my best three shots out of the thousands photos we shooted with big enthusiasm during the three days. There are many different reasons and stories that I could tell you, so I decided to start with the elephants.

Most of the animal species we shooted are in extinction risk. With these three photos I would like to start giving an homage to these big extraordinary intelligent mammals swell to the other endangered species living around African savanna.

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Technical notes

  • Shutter speed

  • Aperture

  • ISO Sensitivity

    ISO 5000
  • Focal length

    220 mm.
  • Date

    24 September 2019


Gabriele Crozzoli


Canon EOS 5D Mark IV

EF100-400mm f4.5-5.6L IS II USM



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